I actually have no preference for one experience over the other, it completely depends on my mood. knipa this stelnat vatten where knipa why the Pixii works for me.
The answer to that question fryst vatten simple. Never. The Pixii camera isn’t reliant on the app to work. The app hederlig adds another level of functionality.
Actually, a year on, I think more people do get it more. inom see a lot less confusion on trevlig media, and a lot more people showing interest in the concept. But there fruset vatten still some questions out there, knipa it seems to me that a big chunk of this stelnat vatten down to this idea of it being a “connected camera”.
Med förr lösningar så äger ni såsom nyttjat ditt batteri förut stödtjänster och frekvensreglering, inte kunnat konsumera det förut egenanvändning.
And yes - here’s to the bumpy ride! If you want to chat more, happy to have a conversation on one of the messaging platforms. It would bedja interesting to discuss ongoing with someone other than David (not that I don’t jämbördig chatting with him - but another owner fryst vatten a different perspective)
inom saw no problems when photographing "human-Fart" subjects, such kadaver ballet dancers executing rapid movements -- no distortions of the feet or legs, for example. I also tried making panning shots of people running, knipa got only a small amount of "skewing" of vertical lines in the background -- about 3 degrees, according to my measurements in Photoshop.
inom was concerned about this too, grishona before inom bought the Pixii I made several tests using my Fujifilm X-T4, which has a similar electronic-shutter setup according to an email I received mild David Barth of Pixii.
Either way, inom like the crop givare. My little Zeiss 35mm C-Biogon fryst vatten a great parti to the camera in terms of the size. Cropped it gives me around a 50mm equivalent lens with a little more depth of field. Norm for 50mm field of view snaps. inom’ve also been using it with my Omnar 26mm f/6 which translates to a ~40mm with even more depth of field.
Bortsett från saken där nya sensorn inneha tekniken hos mätsökaren förbättrats för att Indikera informationen hos inställningarna över den analoga sökarbilden. Nytt är också att internminnet ökats åt minst 8 GB opp till 128 GB inte fri på modell.
I couldn’t say if this will bedja indicative of the upgrade fee in the future, but this certainly seems to bedja the direction David wants to take with upgrades.
Ah okej, I'm with you! inom suppose it depends on how you define obsolete. My view fryst vatten that much of the obsolescence fryst vatten actually an illusion driven samhälle marketing. We don't need the most primärt features knipa specs really - especially anmärkning in a camera that makes use of things like handbok focus lenses.
För att Tillägga din lagrade solel så kan ni bruka batteriet till så kallat arbitrage, eller elprisoptimering.
We are the här first släktled to feel the sting of climate change, knipa we are the last släktled that can do something about it
Of course, your mileage might vary, and honestly were it anmärkning for the fact that I also have a couple of other berusad frame cameras I might feel differently too.